Restoring Balance to Life: A Journey to Overcoming Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain can be an incredibly challenging condition to manage. The constant discomfort, decreased mobility, and other related symptoms can take a toll on both your physical and mental well-being. It’s also common—roughly 16 million adults suffer from it. However, there are ways to overcome it and regain control over your life. Kathleen, our client, has personal experience with this.

Back Pain That Would Not Let Up

Kathleen had been suffering from chronic back pain for years. It all began after her first pregnancy. Over time, the pain became unbearable, affecting her daily life and activities. She tried everything from chiropractic adjustments to cortisone shots, but nothing provided her with lasting relief. Kathleen was desperate for a solution that would help her regain control of her life and allow her to care for her two small children without pain. 

The hardest part of being in pain was not the pain itself, but the effect it had on her life with her children. Kathleen told us, “Lower back, hip, and leg pain was very frustrating with a toddler at home. I felt that if I was in pain, I was so moody, and let’s be honest—that is not fun for anyone. I found lifting my children in and out of cribs and carrying them up and down the stairs very painful. I did not want to be the mother that said I can’t carry you because my back hurts.” No mother should have to deal with this kind of burden.  

Kathleen was at her wit's end looking for solutions. She said, “I saw a sports medicine specialist who sent me for an MRI and gave me a cortisone shot which only worked temporarily. The MRI was inconclusive. I saw a new chiropractor who helped, but again only temporarily.” It wasn’t until her acupuncturist suggested she make an appointment with Dr. Paula at ALIB that she was finally able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Taking a Holistic Approach to Chronic Back Pain

The physical therapists at A Life In Balance used a holistic approach to address Kathleen's back pain. We emphasized the importance of addressing the body as an interconnected organism, rather than just focusing on the affected area. Through a combination of manual therapy, exercise, and education, we developed a tailored treatment plan that targeted Kathleen's specific needs and goals. Our team of physical therapists explained to Kathleen that our goal was not only to provide short-term relief from her back pain but also to empower her with the knowledge and tools to manage her pain in the long term.

Kathleen was also given a customized exercise program as part of her treatment plan. Dr. Paula and her physical therapy team emphasized the importance of learning how all parts of the body support each other. Exercise should not target the area that is in pain but teach the body how to become strong and stable so the pain doesn’t arise in the first place. 

Kathleen was initially hesitant about exercising due to fear of worsening her pain, but our team reassured her and provided guidance and support throughout the process. The exercises gradually progressed based on Kathleen's abilities, and she began to notice improvements. Now Kathleen feels confident doing exercises that once intimidated her. She says, “In all seriousness, I was afraid of squats and deadlifts. I always thought that I had to protect my back and was afraid of injuring myself. Now that I know the proper form, I feel much more confident in my deadlifts. I am so happy with how much stronger my body has become.”

Education was another crucial aspect of Kathleen's treatment plan. Kathleen found the education sessions to be empowering, as she gained a better understanding of how her body works and how to take control of her pain. She even learned to incorporate breathing techniques into her routine, which has taught her a lot about managing her stress and noticing the subtle signals of her body. 

 ALIB Has Got Your Back

As Kathleen continued her journey at A Life In Balance, she started to notice significant improvements in her back pain. The combination of manual therapy, exercise, and education proved to be effective in managing her pain and improved her quality of life. Kathleen was able to return to her regular activities, which mostly consist of running after the kids, without the constant discomfort that had plagued her for years. 

Now that Kathleen is out of pain, she is back to enjoying the little things in life. She says, “At this point in my journey, I have the tools to better myself should I have pain, but now there is more time for cuddling and squeezing those kiddos of mine.” The team here at A Life in Balance is thrilled to be able to educate and empower our clients and help them get back to the things they love most. If pain is getting in the way of living your life, we’d love to show you how we can help!


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