In Person or Digital - Which is the Better Workout?

By Kate Textores, PTA

Be it Beachbody, Peloton, or Nike Training Club—working out with an instructor has never been easier. In the digital age, where everything is easily accessible to us on multiple devices virtually anywhere, why would anyone show up to anything in person? Clearly, the instructors that are putting content on various subscription services have been tried and tested by the fitness industry but is it really worth it to give up your memberships to in-person classes? The answer is - probably not. In this post, we are going to break down the benefits of a balanced fitness routine that incorporates a few different pieces to ensure that you are selecting the best options for you in your day-to-day activities.

In-Person instruction allows for more customization.
No matter what type of classes you are deciding to attend in person, having a second set of eyes on your form and posture is always going to be good for you. Every body is different and the way we perform moves should reflect that. Having a professional watch you and give you adjustments based on your specific movement patterns and ability is invaluable information that will help you stay safe during your routine. Also, being able to have someone suggest different modifications or even a lighter weight to improve form is going to prevent injury and teach you information that you can use outside of class too.

Apps allow for consistency.
Having everything accessible to you on your phone, smart TV, or tablet makes keeping up with your routine easy. There is no excuse to not do 10 or 20 minutes of anything when you have time throughout your day if you have your favorite instructors at your fingertips. The nice part about the various apps is that all of the instructors are verified and qualified to give instruction based on the class you are taking and therefore offer appropriate modifications for the various levels. If noticeable progress is what you are striving for, having the ability to work out anywhere at any time is going to be key for success.

In-Person gives you the accountability.
In this case, we are assuming that you have already shown up and are ready to sweat! Showing up to an in-person class can bring out our competitive nature and cause us to push ourselves (within reason) to go a little further than we normally would. How many times have you tried to do a class at home and ended up laying in child’s pose for the whole 45 minutes? Yea, us too. While we might sometimes need that rest and the at-home class gives us permission to take it, it doesn’t always help us get our workouts in. However, if you are next to someone on the mat and are currently in plank hold… you might be more willing to try and beat them to the end or prove to yourself that you can hold that 45-second plank.

Apps allow for variety.
Yoga? Weights? Body Weight? HIIT? Running? The world is your oyster when it comes to the variety of classes and workouts offered on apps across the board. You can also take a few short classes and take them back to back to build a more dynamic workout that combines strength, cardio, and some recovery into it all while having someone guide you through each step. Pretty impressive considering that most in-person classes, with a few exceptions, are focused on one type of activity the whole time. While any exercise will always get your heart pumping, achieving peak cardio levels can be tricky with more strength-based workouts.

Both - Great Energy!
Not only will both options give you a great work out but some of the digital instructors give just as great energy as in-person ones! The vibe might be a little different given your home/practice setting but as someone who was initially skeptical, I’ve had some inspired and high-energy home workouts. Finding an instructor both in person or through a fitness app that you feel good with is always important and it is also a good idea to find one whose directions make sense with the way your brain works. This will ultimately help with your form, fluidity, and your safety.


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