No Pain, All Gain: Achieve Your Physical Therapy Goals

Effective physical therapy should do more than treat your pain. In fact, it can do wonders for your body when done properly—including improving your range of motion and increasing flexibility for example. In fact, a well-thought-out, well-rounded physical therapy strategy can make all the difference in your journey to healing and can help you exceed—not just achieve—all your goals. You can learn how to push past your limits and tap into strength you never knew you had. Through caring hands and hearts, patients like Angela have achieved their dreams thanks to physical therapy, and you can too!

physical therapy goals

Meet Angela, Who Achieved Her PT Goals at ALIB

Angela came to ALIB due to debilitating hip and lower back pain. Working with Dr. Paula, she discovered that other muscle groups were also weakened due to overcompensating for the injured areas. "The specialized attention I received at ALIB not only addressed the painful, overworked parts of my body, but also taught me so much about the interdependency of all the body parts," Angela said.

Regaining Your Freedom: A Climb to the Top

The unique approach taken at ALIB pushes the boundaries of physical therapy by introducing innovative techniques. Yoga, massage therapy, and a holistic approach all contribute to each patient's wellness journey. For Angela, the results were rapid and tangible. 

With her former injuries, she was unable to participate in some activities for fear of severe back and hip pain. However, she recently took a trip to Australia and New Zealand, and the itinerary included climbing Baldwin Street in Dunedin, NZ, the steepest residential street in the world.

"A few of us on the tour got up the steep hill without much trouble at all. Luckily there are steps part of the way in place of a sidewalk as the roadway was very slippery that day due to a recent rain. At the top, we celebrated with high-fives, a bunch of silly, touristy photos, and were rewarded with beautiful views of the mountainsides," Angela recalled.

When we heard about her trip, our team couldn't help celebrating right along with Angela and we knew we had to share her story.

Let Us Help You Achieve Summits in Your Life

Effective physical therapy should do more than treat your pain. Using science and biomechanics, our team focuses on the interconnectedness of your whole body. That includes how you move and breathe and the root cause of your pain. By personalizing your recovery plan, we can help you achieve long-lasting results and prevent future injuries. Neurokinetic Therapy is one of our signature methodologies. Working together, our physical therapists record your body's movement patterns to find the right treatment for discomfort. You'll get our full attention in every session as you work toward wellness, fitness, and A Life in Balance.

For Angela, doing bridges at home helps her maintain flexibility and strengthen her hip and lower back. However, she also knows ALIB is always here to help her maintain flexibility for a fuller life! Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how our philosophy can help you achieve your physical therapy goals and so much more!


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