Setting and Achieving Goals in Physical Therapy—And Life!

Although it’s not January, a lot of us look at the advent of autumn as a time to reassess and press the “reset” button on health goals we may have let slide over the summer. We also understand how frustrating it can be to set the same goal over and over again, only to slip up and feel like it’s too hard to get there. Well, the holistic physical therapy team at A Life in Balance has some tips and a story to lift you out of that gloomy nonsense and help you meet and exceed your health goals!

Meet Matty: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Strength on His Journey to Glacier National Park

Matty first came to see us at ALIB several months ago. He and his family had a big trip to Glacier National Park in Montana planned. Imagine long hikes in the mountains, swimming in frigid glacial lakes, and soaking in the stunning scenery. The challenge for this 14-year-old was that Matty struggled with hypotonia, a “low muscle tone” condition that can make everything but looking at the scenery difficult. With hypotonia, it’s been difficult for Matty to maintain the stamina, balance, and coordination needed to do simple things like ride a bike, hike, or even balance on one foot.

Matty really wanted to get to a place where he could participate fully in his family’s trip to Glacier National Park, so he came to see us—and we worked with him to set some goals in his physical therapy journey.

“I came here to get stronger and to get better balance and coordination,” said Matty. “I have definitely gotten stronger and learned that I can do more than I thought I could!” Matty’s motivation to get stronger inspired all of us here at ALIB! In fact, that motivation is one of the most critical pieces of the goal-setting puzzle, in physical therapy, and in life.

Fostering Progress: The Crucial Role of Motivation and SMART Goals in Physical Therapy Success

Although we’ve all heard of “SMART” goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed), motivation is really the secret sauce. The Harvard Business Review says the key to succeeding with any goal is to discover your “why”—your motivation. They suggest framing it like this:

“I want to ____ so that I can ____.”

For Matty, it was simple: “I wanted to get stronger and more coordinated, so I could go hiking and kayaking!”

With the motivation of fun outdoor activities with his family fueling him on, Matty worked hard. But he didn’t work alone! Here at ALIB, we worked with Matty and his parents very closely on specific physical therapy exercises and stretches that really pushed him. And he was there for it! Not only did he work hard here in the office, but, with his family’s help, he worked hard at home too.

This underscores another key to goal-setting success that should be front and center in the SMART goals framework: having a team to support, guide, and cheer you on! We absolutely loved being part of that team. “They work really hard and are very kind and take the time to answer your questions,” said Matty of the ALIB team. But really, it was an honor for us to work with such a motivated and inspiring young man!

A Life In Balance: Supporting Your Journey to Achieve Health and Healing Goals

Naturally, progress with goals comes step-by-step and not all at once. And it took Matty several weeks of hard work. But looking back now, Matty can see how far he’s come on his journey:

“I can balance on one foot a lot easier and I can ride a bike a lot easier. I have more confidence when I explain my condition to people too. I went on long-distance hikes up steep hills and mountains. My therapy really helped me with my stamina and confidence on these hikes. I even swam in glacial waters!”

Thanks for letting us be part of your goal team, Matty!

Are you eager to make progress on your healing and health goals, but not sure where to begin? Come visit us at A Life in Balance. We can help you define your motivation and be part of your goal-setting success team!


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