Occupational Therapy and Pilates: A Dynamic Duo for Back Pain Relief

In a recent blog, we discussed a wonderful success story about physical therapy for lower back pain relief. But this month, we have a fresh take on lower back pain, simply because the problem is so pervasive, and every person’s struggle is unique. The World Health Organization reports that at least 619 million people struggle with lower back pain—the leading reason for disability globally.  

However, the reasons for each of those cases of back pain vary widely: car accidents, work injuries, repetitive motion injuries from bad ergonomics, side effects of certain diseases, etc. A spinal deformity called scoliosis also causes back pain for around 6 million Americans. This abnormal, side-to-side spinal curvature, which can occur in the lower (lumbar) spine, the middle (thoracic) spine, or the upper (cervical) spine can complicate all kinds of back issues. Lower back pain caused by scoliosis can be tricky to treat, but physical and occupational therapy can help! We are so grateful that our fantastic patient Donna decided to share her experience.

Occupational Therapy and Pilates for Lower Back Pain

Donna is 63 years young, likes to take walks outside, and loves almond butter and chips. Yummy! The part of her life that has not been so yummy, however, has been her chronic lower back pain that comes from having scoliosis, which transitioned into painful, debilitating sciatica and SI (sacroiliac joint) issues.

 “I was in chronic, at times excruciating pain, not being able to walk, let alone do normal, everyday activities,” says Donna. “I had 5 epidural injections, medications with side effects, traditional PT, and finally saw a neurosurgeon, who recommended Pilates to help with my back pain.”

It just so happens that Therapeutic Pilates is a service we offer here at A Life in Balance, sometimes incorporated into our Occupational Therapy program. Our experienced occupational therapist, Sarah Stangota, teaches it to many of our clients. This one-on-one, patient-focused, equipment-based Pilates program helps patients boost their flexibility, strength, and balance as they recover and regain the ability to do daily activities and resume an active lifestyle. It was exactly what Donna was looking for when she searched for occupational therapy in Flemington NJ.

“I was very excited that ALIB included Pilates as part of the treatment,” says Donna. “Now, any exercise on the Pilates reformer is my favorite!”

How Does Occupational Therapy Help with Scoliosis Back Pain?

As Donna has discovered, physical therapy and occupational therapy are closely related, and our therapists often coordinate care to provide patients with the most comprehensive, holistic pain relief and positive, life-altering outcomes. While our holistic physical therapy team focuses on restoring balance and movement in rehabilitating muscles, our occupational therapists focus on taking those strides several steps further by helping patients achieve independence through daily “occupational” activities they care about.

In addition to the physical recovery, our OTs help meld the physical with the cognitive, sensory, emotional, and psycho-social aspects of injury recovery and chronic pain relief. Donna’s pathway into OT was through Therapeutic Pilates, and it has enabled her to live a more pain-free, independent life.

“Make an appointment with ALIB, strengthen your core, and do dry needling,” urges Donna. “ALIB works on the whole body and tailors strengthening exercises to your personal needs. It’s especially helped me recognize how to engage my core.”

Lower Back Pain Relief Options: OT and Dry Needling in Flemington NJ

Speaking of dry needling, Donna is a fan. “Sarah recommended that dry needling with Dr. Paula would be beneficial to add to my treatment program. I added it to my healing journey and immediately felt better.”

Dry needling involves the therapist inserting sterile, thin filament needles into painful knots of muscle called “trigger points” to kick the body’s natural healing process into gear. It kind of looks like acupuncture, but the process and purpose are different.

Dry needling helps release muscle tension and improve circulation to sore muscles, which can help reduce inflammation and pain in those areas. Better joint and muscle movement and flexibility from dry needling complement the benefits of OT and PT for patients like Donna, who has been so grateful for the scoliosis back pain relief.

May Functional Movement Challenge: Planks!

“I learned stability before mobility,” says Donna. She dreaded planks at first, like many people do, but now she is committed. “It’s important for me to engage my core before any movement,” she explains. 

Holding a plank position can be challenging, so we all understand the hesitancy! However, with proper form, it becomes much more manageable. Planks are fantastic because they engage numerous muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings, and most importantly, the lower back, which is crucial for overall strength and functionality.

As with all of our other functional movement challenges, we are tailoring this to suit your abilities and needs. The overall goal is to hold a plank for 30 seconds each day.

  • For those needing modifications, you'll be performing a plank from your knees.

  • For most clients, the aim is to hold a full plank for 30 seconds, hands to feet.

  • For our athletes, the challenge is a full plank, but going from elbows to feet. Keep steady!

Our fantastic occupational therapist, Sarah Stangota, explains why this movement is so important to Donna and everybody else: "Plank requires full body refined coordination to complete successfully. However, the plank is also quite versatile and easily modified to help a patient be successful and meet their body where it's all. Just because you can't complete a full plank, doesn't mean you can't experience the benefit of doing planks!"

Set a goal and let us know how your planks are going on Facebook or Instagram! And if you have any questions about planks or how to modify them for your situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Flemington and Hunterdon Occupational Therapy for Lower Back Pain

Just like Donna, each person has a unique story and requires a unique approach. Whether you’re struggling with back pain, neck pain, or any other type of pain, the team here at A Life in Balance is here to help you achieve your goals for an active, pain-free life. Schedule an appointment today and we can help you make it happen!


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Beating Lower Back Pain with Physical Therapy