Why Core Strength Matters: Relieving Herniated Disc Pain

Herniated discs produce some of the most debilitating neck and spine pain you can imagine, affecting anywhere from 5 to 20 people per 1,000 adults every year. Intervertebral discs sit between each vertebra in your spine, cushioning them and allowing the nerves coming from your spinal cord to travel out to the rest of your body. Those discs are about 80 percent water and 20 percent squishy, jelly-like nucleus material. Habitual bouts of poor posture, repetitive motion injuries, and traumatic injuries can sometimes make the outer membranes of these discs rupture, causing the jelly inside to squeeze out. When that happens, the squeezed-out jelly can press on major nerves in the spine. And that really, really hurts!

 Considerable evidence exists (especially here in our Flemington physical therapy practice) that bolstering core strength has a protective, pain-relieving power on the neck, spine, back, and entire body, helping people get relief from herniated disc pain, as well as contributing to overall injury prevention and wellness! This has certainly been the case for our pasta-loving friend David!

Physical Therapy in Flemington for Herniated Disc Pain Relief

“The pain was debilitating while trying to do my job,” explains David. “I'm a software engineer and my life is on the computer.”

David had endured years of neck and spine pain with one herniated disc after another. “I started experiencing pain when I was sitting at a desk when I was a senior in college,” they explain. “After graduating and working for about a year, the pain worsened considerably. I had an MRI and it showed C5-6 disc herniation. Shortly thereafter, I was in a car accident that caused a considerable increase in pain.”

So they began physical therapy, but that didn’t go very well. “I started physical therapy somewhere other than ALIB, but the person was fairly uninterested in diagnosing the underlying issue. They just prescribed standard exercises from a book that I was doing improperly. By 2014, I was in unbearable pain and out on disability.”

David gave physical therapy another go at a second location but was still unable to find relief. “They did not identify that I was not using any of the correct muscles to compensate for significant weakness in key core muscles. Without improving my core strength and by keeping a significant forward posture, I had another two discs herniate.”

Trying Flemington Physical Therapy Again

Things became bad enough that David had to have their C6-7 fused and C3-4 replaced with an artificial disc. David was down, but they weren't out! They decided to try physical therapy one more time, coming to A Life in Balance Wellness Center. They worked with Dr. Paula first and then have since worked with just about everyone else in the office over the years. It was a totally new experience for them, and things finally started to get better.

“Everyone at ALIB cares about you and your general wellness,” says David, explaining how the ALIB team helps people work their whole bodies for wellness. “My partner and I joke that you might come in for foot pain and come out with exercises for your elbow! But somehow those exercises will ultimately help with the foot pain! Nobody else does it that way. It's just a totally different way of operating.”

Finally, Results! Physical Therapy at A Life in Balance for the Win!

At A Life in Balance, David finally got the care they needed. Dr. Paula gave David a complete musculoskeletal evaluation, discovered all the muscle groups that needed help, and gave them the personal training exercises that started to bring the whole-body healing they so desperately needed. Over the years, David has been able to develop the core muscle strength to protect their neck and spine from the stresses of day-to-day living. They have less pain, feel a lot better, and can do a lot more now that their core is protecting their spine properly.

 And as they continue to work, which they do faithfully, they will be able to prevent future injuries. Having a strong core protects the spine and barricades it against those twists and turns that can lead to herniated discs and other neck or back injuries.

David is feeling so much better now. “I can drive!” exclaims David. “I couldn’t drive for more than 15-30 minutes at a time, and now I can drive for up to 5 hours, as needed.”

We're so proud of David and all of their hard work, but mostly, we're just so glad they feel better!

June Functional Movement Challenge: Power!

Another way to feel better? Participate in our monthly movement challenge! They are so much fun! And we continue this month with a new move, Power! You may be stumped by that initially, but let us explain:

Power is the ability to generate and apply a large amount of force in a short period, using the muscles of the shoulders, upper back, and arms. It is crucial for athletes in sports like baseball and basketball, as well as in athletic movements like blocking and striking. But it's also important for everyday tasks such as placing a gallon of milk in the refrigerator, pushing a lawn mower, or opening a heavy door.

So, this month's challenge is a test of that power! The best part is that it doesn't need modification for anyone. Here’s what you do: Simply, take a provided sandbag and see how far you can throw it. It's that easy! Try it throughout the month to beat your record!

Dr. Paula adds that practicing this "power move" is vital for functional tasks such as maintaining good posture, lifting and carrying items, and sports activities like basketball and pickleball!

David is on board with the power challenge too, although it first took a little convincing on our part. They say, “Most of my patterns involve overusing anterior muscles, and so I actively avoid using them. But it's important that I still use them functionally, like in this movement.”

 So rack up those sandbag tosses everybody, and let us know how many you’re tallying up on Facebook or Instagram!

Physical Therapy in Hunterdon County for Herniated Disc and Beyond

If you are struggling with any kind of injury and feel like you’ve tried physical therapy before, try again. Don't give up! Here at A Life in Balance in Flemington, we have a totally different, head-to-toe approach to helping people go from pain to power, just like David and so many others. Schedule an appointment today to feel the ALIB difference!


Occupational Therapy and Pilates: A Dynamic Duo for Back Pain Relief